Jeep Tire Maintenance

When you are ready to check your Tire Pressure it's always better to check them when they are cold. The reason for this is because the Air Pressure rises when the tires are hot. If you take the reading when the tires are cold you will get an accurate reading every time. Reading your tire pressure is a simple task and a very important one. Proper Tire Pressure will improve your gas mileage, maintain alignment and allow your tires to last longer.

Checking Tire Air Pressure

To find out the proper tire pressure for your tires just check the side wall of your tires. On the side wall you will find tire size, brand and tire pressure information. You are checking for “PSI" that's how air pressure is measured for tires, Pounds Per Square Inch. The size of the tire and the type of tire usually determine the Air Pressure. Once you check the side wall and acquire the PSI make sure you keep your tires at the recommended tire pressure for your safety and life of the tire.

To Do List

  1. Remove the Cap on the Tire Valve
  2. With a Tire Gauge, Press Firmly on the Tire Valve and Release
  3. Read Tire Pressure
  4. If Tire Pressure is Low Add, If Tire Pressure is High Release Pressure
  5. If you need to release tire pressure use something with a small tip, the tip of your Jeep Key will work. Apply it to the tip of the valve and press.
  6. Release air and re-check Tire Pressure
  7. Once your done checking your Tire Pressure don't forget to replace the valve cap


Wheel Alignment

There are three other areas that you need to familiarize yourself with to ensure your safety and the life of your tires. The three areas are Alignment, Tread Depth and Tire Rotations. Your Alignment should be completed by a professional every time you purchase new tires, you feel vibrations on the steering wheel or the steering wheel pulling more to one side and not staying centered. These are all signs that you need to get an alignment. Also, hitting a curb, a pothole or rough terrain can knock your tires out of alignment. Do not ignore this, your safety and the life of your tire are in jeopardy, always make sure your Jeep is properly aligned.


Tread Depth

The Tread Depth of your tires determine the grip your tires will have on the road. Therefore this is extremely important and should be checked periodically. The Tire and Rim Association provide guidance and explain the specs. The layman's system is the “Penny" check, which by the way is also listed by the Tire and Rim Association. Take a Penny, with Lincoln's Head upright and insert it between the treads of the tire, if you can fully see the head of Lincoln exposed your tires are “Legally" worn.


Tire Rotation

And finally, Tire Rotation is good practice because it allows your tires to wear evenly and it gives you a longer tire life. Because the weight distribution changes, make sure to check the Air Pressure after a few days.

To keep your tires in good shape and improve the life of the tire , drive cautiously, avoid fast turns and quick stops, be aware of potholes and debris on the road and don't overload your vehicle with weight. Your Tires are one of the most important Jeep Parts on your Jeep and too often go ignored. When checking the Air Pressure of your tires don't forget your spare tire, that's a Jeep Part too!!