Jeep Gifts for the Jeep Lover

Do you have a Jeep lover in your life? Someone special that lives, breathes and sleeps Jeep! So whats the perfect gift? Anything for the Jeep, Right? Right! Well you can get the usual hat, t-shirt, sticker, key chain or coffee mug but this year you want something your Jeep lover is going to brag about, a Jeep Bikini Top. The problem is that you don't really know about Jeep Tops, and a Bikini Top, what's that? Well you've come to the right place. We're going to talk about Jeep Top Brands and Jeep Bikini Tops.

Companies that Make Jeep Bikini Tops

One of the most important decisions you will make is the type of Jeep Bikini Top you purchase. This makes a huge difference because if you buy an off brand you will end up with a poor quality product. These products are not produced with the correct specs to fit Jeep vehicles. They are made with poor quality fabrics that can't stand up to rain and UV rays, which makes for a poor investment. For this reason the only way to go is with Bestop, Pavement Ends and Rugged Ridge. These companies know and understand the Jeep brand. They create their tops with Jeep specs, high quality fabrics engineered to live up to the Jeep reputation. When you compare the off brands to Bestop, Pavement Ends and Rugged Ridge there is no comparison. They are priced right and deliver a trusted product to the Jeep community.

Jeep Bikini Tops

The Summer allows Jeep owners to enjoy their Jeep to the fullest and a bikini Top is the high point of the season. The question is which one is the right one for your Jeep Lover? There are several choices; the Bikini Top, Safari Top and Sunlighter. These Bikini Tops all have distinguising characteristics and they all offer practicality and fun. Bikini Tops make the Jeep the Ultimate Convertible. Stripped down sporting a Bikini Top you become the envy of everyone around you.

Jeep Bikini Tops 2

The most common Bikini Top sits on the front end of the Jeep and offers protection to the driver and the front seat passenger. They are also referred to as Sun Caps and Briefs because of the area of coverage they provide. They are easy to install and are offered for most all Jeeps. This is a fun gift that is affordable and impressive. The Summer is here and every Jeep Lover should have a Bikini Top!

Jeep Safari Top

Don't let the name scare you, the Safari top is an extended Bikini Top. This header is for the Jeep lover that always has a full crew. The Safari Top extends to cover the back seat passengers. It still provides the enjoyment of the outdoors and the feeling of free wheeling but now you can protect all your passengers. As with all the Bikini Tops, it comes in popular colors to match the Jeep.

Sunlighter Bikini Top

The Sunlighter Bikini Top is the Bikini Top that brings the outdoors all the way in. The Sunlighter is designed the same way the regular Bikini Top is except for the fabric. The fabric used for the Sunlighter Bikini Top is semi-transparent allowing the sun to come through but protecting you from UV rays. The Sunlighter Top gives you the Ultimate Exposure and Maximum Fun!

Now you have a better idea of the best Jeep Lovers gifts for the Summer. They are gifts that keep on giving that special person in your life the thrill of owning a Jeep. You can still throw in the Coffee mug and T-Shirt to accessorize the Bikini Top!